Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Street Dollies by Clementine Design

Clementine has the must unique style of all the designers I work with.  She's extremely eclectic yet a little old fashioned and this always shows through in her work.  Clementine's newest kit is called "Street Dollies" and it is a hoot!!  When I set out to work with Clementine's designs my pages just fall into place.  I know I've said this before, but it feels like something is working through me.  It's like my emotions just jump right through my fingers and put the page together all on their own with absolutely no input from my brain.

My page using "Street Dollies" is a little eerie.  I'm not entirely sure what it means.  Nothing is meant by it.  At least not intentionally.  Maybe there is something lurking beneath the surface that hasn't come to pass and I don't know about it.  Not sure really.  I just know that the moment I saw each one of these elements I knew I would be using them.  And very little editing was done to them by me, it was like they came to me just the way they were meant to be used.  Look at the monkey, how he's looking up at the 2 girls, that look on his face, is terror or knowledge?

And here's a little preview of the kit:

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